miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Stone, paper, scissors

How to play: 
  • The students are divided in two teams. 
  • The game begins on a signal from the leader.
  • The first players in each line begin walking (or skipping, hopping or running) on the path towards each other.
  • When the first two players from opposite teams encounter each other on the path, they stop and plays "stone, paper, scissors" until one player wins.
  • The winner continues walking on the path in the same direction, while the other side allows their next player to start walking on the path.
  • Again when the players encounter each other, they do the same. 
  • The game continues until one player makes it all the way to the other side. Then that player rejoins her/his line and two new players begin.
When students lose they have to write three sentences using a grammar structure studied, then they rejoin to the line. 

Esther Álvarez

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