jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Government team

In the cooperative work forum I have sent you the roles I use within the cooperative work. From these roles we build our Government Team.
The Government Team is made up of four people. One of each role.
Every Monday all the roles meet between them and they choose the person who is going to represent their role in the government team. You have to be in the orange poster to be chosen. Some students are not there because they are in red numbers in Class Dojo.
The Government Team is in charge of the Classroom Jobs. They have to organize how are they going to deal with the classroom jobs. To make them easy, they can put the lollipop with their number in the glass of the task. First glass: Calendar. Second glass: Teacher's assistant ...

I am thinking to add a "super lawyer job". It could be the coordinator in the government team. The task should be to help coordinators to deal with the problems, in case they need any kind of help.
And I also would like to have a journalist in the class to write down some of the interesting stories that happen day by day.
Marta María Pérez

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