miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Acrosport game

Acrosport is an ancient sport. It is believed that the Egyptians were the first people to practice this sport.
It is a team sport that we can do in pairs or small groups. The object of the sport is to make formations with our bodies.We only need a few mats and some light music in the background.
When we do acrosport the smallest person is always on top. The strongest people are the base and support the weight of their teammates. The way we hold hands is very important.
It's used in Physical educations lessons to work cooperatively. It makes students to thinks about how is the best way to do the activity and it allows students to develop the four skills.
How to do it...
First of all, we divide the class in different groups depending on how many students there are. 
We give one flashcard to each group. They should read the information given in the flashcard (share reading), they should discuss who is taking each role and how to do the formation  (speaking and listening). After that, they do the exercise. Once they have finished they will move around to do the next formation. At the end of the class (when they have done all the formations chosen for this day) each team should write all the information (those things they remember) related to each formation.


Esther Álvarez

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