jueves, 4 de abril de 2019


Our Social Science book is published by Edebé and it comes with vocabulary videos.
These videos present the new vocabulary embodied with a precise photograph and the
correct pronunciation of the word. They only last 2 minutes, give or take.
We watch the video at the beginning of the class. From the first day it is like a warmer activity.
I use the videos as if they were bits of intelligence. Each picture, with its word, is an unit of information.
The first day we only watch and repeat the pronunciation but as the lesson goes on,
I usually stop the video to ask them if they see more information about the word or to
explain them more accurately what they are watching.
Sometimes they discover mistakes in the written word or give me more information they
have discover about the matter.
That is why I think that with these videos children can go  from LOTS to HOTS.
This is the link to watch the video of the last lesson:

Marta María Pérez

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