miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Daily routines

It is an interesting web to work daily routines.
Now  is available on the educacyl page in educational resources.
M. Teresa Guerra

Being autonomous

Every day, at the end of the class, students can take this book and enjoy with videos or games we have already watched or played. It is a good way to reinforce what we have seen during the class and they end other tasks quickly.
Silvia Valenciaga

Videos about landscapes and biomes

You can find these videos in YouTube.
I recommend you to watch the first one, just for enjoying the music and the images. It is quite moving
"Introduction to Biomes": 

It can be used as introduction and also as assessment, asking students to decide what kind of biome animal, plant, human or landscape belongs to.
"Savanna Grassland Biome": 

I like the first minute to show students different grasslands and their main features.
"World's Most Beautiful Landscapes": 

More than 7 minutes. For me it is a bit long.
Marta María Pérez

Classroom screen

Every class I use for classroom management and trust me it works!!!!
In just one screen you can control: volume, cooperative work, time, drawing and writing, create QR codes...
in English and Spanish!!!
Silvia Valenciaga

My QR book

One idea I have applied this year per unit is keeping every QR code I use in class (videos, interactive activities, questions,...)
with all these QR codes they use autonomously we create a mini book and when we have tablet - time they can remember other topics we have already learned or just learn new ones. 
I share some examples of QR CODES...
SOMETIMES, I do a QR GYMKANA I share the sketch. the idea is to scan the QR CODES and then answer the questions. They do it in cooperative groups. 
QR GYMKANA example about plants (uploaded)

Silvia Valenciaga

Quizizz assessment

Every project they complete a TIC assessment, first in group and then cooperative.
I use different tools but this time has been with QUIZIZZ https://quizizz.com/
You are able to send homework by means of classroom or just copying the code. 
To be more autonomous I prepare this worksheet and I project into the digital board, then one by one or group by group scan the code and start playing.
The app allows you to download reports of children so that is really good for assessment. 
at this time we can't play to the codes appear on the worksheet as they have an ending date but here you can use mine:
They are really engaged!!!

Silvia Valenciaga

How many words can you write?

It's quite similar to scattergories game. It's quite useful to work in groups, to feel confident and to review vocabulary. 
One letter is chosen by the teacher. Groups have to write words that begin with this letter in different categories: names, animals, cities... They have 2 minutes to write as many words as possible Teacher could change categories if necessary. 
The winner is the groups that write more words. We can play several rounds. 
Esther Álvarez

Three in a line

To play this game we need two teams and nine hoops between them. 
To win we need to put three pieces in a row, line or diagonally. Its a good way to improve speed and attention. 
Esther Álvarez


In class, you can play JENGA. Teacher categorizes three contents and add some information to every content. When the game start, student can take a piece of the game if they say correctly a piece of information of the color. for example if the color he chooses is pink and pin is mammal he has to say a part of the body in mammals and then he can build the tower or take out a piece. Sometimes we play to create the tower and other times to destroy it, taking out pieces. 

Silvia Valenciaga

Playing chess

  • Playing chess is a good way to improve our students thinking skill, specially if they are able to play with their own body. They will improve their cognition but also their physical abilities when moving, jumping, skipping or even running.
  • To start with, the teacher will divide the class in groups of 4-5 students and will give a text to each group. They should do a shared reading about the rules of chess: figures, how pieces move and how to win a game. 
  • After reading and understanding how to play this game the teacher will divide the class in two teams: black and white and  we use the playground to play. 
  • Each team member of the group will be one piece from the chess. Also, they have to use english to speak and decide which movement is going next. 

At the end of the game, they should write the main rules of this game. 
Esther Álvarez

Stone, paper, scissors

How to play: 
  • The students are divided in two teams. 
  • The game begins on a signal from the leader.
  • The first players in each line begin walking (or skipping, hopping or running) on the path towards each other.
  • When the first two players from opposite teams encounter each other on the path, they stop and plays "stone, paper, scissors" until one player wins.
  • The winner continues walking on the path in the same direction, while the other side allows their next player to start walking on the path.
  • Again when the players encounter each other, they do the same. 
  • The game continues until one player makes it all the way to the other side. Then that player rejoins her/his line and two new players begin.
When students lose they have to write three sentences using a grammar structure studied, then they rejoin to the line. 

Esther Álvarez

Story dice

It's a game in which the teachers throws the dices to the floor. One member of each groups should stand up and go next the teacher. This student has to write in their notebook the name of the pictures shown in the dices ( magic words) After that, the students returns to their groups and tell to their classmates the words chosen.
They have to invent a story using these words.

If we decide to develop speaking skills,  each member has to say one sentence using one magic word. 
If we decide to develop writing skills, they should use a sheet of paper and each member of the groups should write one or two sentences using a magic word. 

When time's up, each groups should read or tell the story aloud.  The other groups can ask questions. 

Esther Álvarez

Acrosport game

Acrosport is an ancient sport. It is believed that the Egyptians were the first people to practice this sport.
It is a team sport that we can do in pairs or small groups. The object of the sport is to make formations with our bodies.We only need a few mats and some light music in the background.
When we do acrosport the smallest person is always on top. The strongest people are the base and support the weight of their teammates. The way we hold hands is very important.
It's used in Physical educations lessons to work cooperatively. It makes students to thinks about how is the best way to do the activity and it allows students to develop the four skills.
How to do it...
First of all, we divide the class in different groups depending on how many students there are. 
We give one flashcard to each group. They should read the information given in the flashcard (share reading), they should discuss who is taking each role and how to do the formation  (speaking and listening). After that, they do the exercise. Once they have finished they will move around to do the next formation. At the end of the class (when they have done all the formations chosen for this day) each team should write all the information (those things they remember) related to each formation.


Esther Álvarez

Strategies/skills: Cognition

Here there is a classification of different strategies based on games or different dynamics. They are classified according to the 4skills in English and Bloom taxonomy. Before programming you may have a look and decide which are the best to the entire unit and select them not leaving gaps in knowledge. Moreover it is a good way to develop a great variety of strategies in class and motivate all students. 
I am going to upload it online as I am doing changes with new ones. 
Silvia Valenciaga

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Every day a question

Every day we ask different questions to practice on speaking and listening.
Here are some of them. Normally we play with a big ball. The ball has got written questions and students through the ball asking and answering questions. 
Instead of using a ball you can use a box and put the sentences inside. every day they take out one questions and ask to their classmates. 
question - answer BALL
Silvia Valenciaga

Daily Routine

YEARS 1st and 2nd 
I consider DR a very important of the lesson in order to assess students and warm up.
Every day one student is the teacher and the rest follow the class. the teacher ask questions about weather, day, date... The rest of the class ask the teacher orally and then write on their booklets the answers everyday in order to practice on writing. it is like a DAILY ROUTINE REPORTER. This book is useful at the end of the month to assess students on their writing skills and orally to the teacher who is doing the DR orally.
Here you have the ppt the teacher follow in the class: 

At the end of the DR the teacher brings a "treasure", something special to him or her and explain to the rest of the class using a DESCRIPTION ROUTINE as follow
Finally you can download the booklet that the rest of student follow to the DR writing in class.
Silvia Valenciaga

Gamification-Classroom language

Playing with money is a good way to keep children attention and doing a big effort in class.
Let´s try
Silvia Valenciaga

Speed writing

Everyday after practicing oral conversation and doing morning routines we play to "Speed writing". 
It's a game in which the teacher writes a sentence on the blackboard related to a grammar structure studied in the unit. Then the children should copy this sentences in their notebooks. When the teachers says "GO"  the students should rewrite this sentences as many times as possible during a minute. When the time is up, students should count how many words and sentences they have written. The winner will choose the next sentence. 
It's a good exercise to review grammar and vocabulary. 
Esther Álvarez

jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Message sticks

We use message sticks to motivate children to work everyday and to behave properly. We use different colors to each type of message.

Every Friday the teacher chooses five students to choose one color stick delpending on their progress during the week. 

Green- prizes.
Blue- ice breakers
Yellow- kit kat time
Orange- extra activities to do
Red- punishment

Message sticks.

Esther Álvarez


When starting a lesson or even a topic, we use the CLIL ball.
 It’s a game in which students can explain the previous knowledge about the topic, but they must have the ball in their hands to speak. Then, they pass the to another classmate.
Esther Álvarez

CLIL Balloon

It´s a fantastic way to revise contents (also language) when you finish a unit. The class is divided in small groups. Each group has a balloon and they write on it different questions related to the topic. Then, the balloons are passed to the different groups and the students have to answer the questions written on them.

Elena Remigia Prieto

How to introduce rules in the classroom

Classroom management
Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning.
The rules of the class
Make a poster with the things they can’t do. They say the rule and make a picture to complete it.
Don’t stand on the chair.
Don’t throw rubbish to the floor.
Don't hit your friend.
Display the poster and ask some pupils to break the rules. For example, one pupil stands on the chair and everyone else must point to it in amazement and say, "Ahhhhh! Do not stand on the chair!
You can take a picture of the child to put it next to the rule, so that everyone remembers what it is and if someone break the rule they can point him saying aloud the rule.

Action Words

YEARS: 1st and 2nd
In early years is difficult for students to understand some actions so it is a good way to show them some pictures and do it easier. 
action words 2action words

Vocabulary race

It's a way to revise vocabulary when you finish the unit.
I stick and hide some flashcards and their words on the corridor and class.
The team that find and match images and words correctly is the winner.

M.Teresa Guerra

Government team

In the cooperative work forum I have sent you the roles I use within the cooperative work. From these roles we build our Government Team.
The Government Team is made up of four people. One of each role.
Every Monday all the roles meet between them and they choose the person who is going to represent their role in the government team. You have to be in the orange poster to be chosen. Some students are not there because they are in red numbers in Class Dojo.
The Government Team is in charge of the Classroom Jobs. They have to organize how are they going to deal with the classroom jobs. To make them easy, they can put the lollipop with their number in the glass of the task. First glass: Calendar. Second glass: Teacher's assistant ...

I am thinking to add a "super lawyer job". It could be the coordinator in the government team. The task should be to help coordinators to deal with the problems, in case they need any kind of help.
And I also would like to have a journalist in the class to write down some of the interesting stories that happen day by day.
Marta María Pérez

Formal Grouping

Here there is a blog in which you can download the cooperative roles for formal cooperative structures. 
It is very well summarized and children use them very good at class.

Silvia Valenciaga

Ways of grouping

YEAR 1st and 2nd 
At this age when they enter in Bilingual class they have to wear a necklace according to a chart and sit down with their groups. it is a good way to mix them in different ways and to change from time to time into different classmates and table seats. They organize themselves looking at their charts every day before coming. 
At this link you may download the informal templates for grouping.
cooperative work
Silvia Valenciaga


The placemat is a very useful tool when working in a cooperative way.
Each student of a group of four, has to write about a topic (definition, characteristics...), then the students discuss about what they have written. 
When they agree on the definition for example, it is written in the centre. 

Elena Remigia Prieto

Cooperative roles

These are the roles that I am using in the class. These year is the first for my students working in a cooperative way and they only do it during some small chunks of time. Only when they are in my classes.
At the moment they are in Spanish, but I hope we can start using them in English next year.
Cooperative Groups
I rather not use any picture that tells children that a role is associated only with one gender.
Marta María Pérez


Our Social Science book is published by Edebé and it comes with vocabulary videos.
These videos present the new vocabulary embodied with a precise photograph and the
correct pronunciation of the word. They only last 2 minutes, give or take.
We watch the video at the beginning of the class. From the first day it is like a warmer activity.
I use the videos as if they were bits of intelligence. Each picture, with its word, is an unit of information.
The first day we only watch and repeat the pronunciation but as the lesson goes on,
I usually stop the video to ask them if they see more information about the word or to
explain them more accurately what they are watching.
Sometimes they discover mistakes in the written word or give me more information they
have discover about the matter.
That is why I think that with these videos children can go  from LOTS to HOTS.
This is the link to watch the video of the last lesson:

Marta María Pérez


It is very important to think of the process of learning, how they get knowledge, how they learn. 
So, in order to let them the opportunity to discover how is the process is very useful to work by means of THINKING ROUTINES that match with cognition and allow us to be aware about how we learn.
Here there are some pictures I use when I want them to discover something on their own. 

For example there is a picture with animals and in one of them there is an odd one out. They can say whatever they SEE - THINK - WONDER and once the conversation has finished we take out conclusions related with the main content. But the main idea is to do it by themselves. This is just an example, you may use it with different contents. 
Sometimes I do it by groups on writing or the speaker role say loud. 



Here there is one about plants for YEAR 1 AND 2

Silvia Valenciaga

Bloom's taxonomy

A brief summary about the Bloom's taxonomy and its aplication to CLIL.

Bloom's taxonomy

Bloom's taxonomy  is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and sensory domains. The cognitive domain list has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities.
The models were named after Benjamin Bloom, who chaired the committee of educators that devised the taxonomy.

Criticism of the taxonomy
Some critiques of the taxonomy's cognitive domain admit the existence of these six categories but question the existence of a sequential, hierarchical link.
Often, educators view the taxonomy as a hierarchy and may mistakenly dismiss the lowest levels as unworthy of teaching.The learning of the lower levels enables the building of skills in the higher levels of the taxonomy, and in some fields, the most important skills are in the lower levels (such as identification of species of plants and animals).

Furthermore, the distinction between the categories can be seen as artificial since any given cognitive task may entail a number of processes. It could even be argued that any attempt to nicely categorize cognitive processes into clean, cut-and-dried classifications undermines the holistic, highly connective and interrelated nature of cognition. This is a criticism that can be directed at taxonomies of mental processes in general.


Bloom's taxonomy serves as the backbone of many teaching philosophies, in particular, those that lean more towards skills rather than content. These educators view content as a vessel for teaching skills. The emphasis on higher-order thinking inherent in such philosophies is based on the top levels of the taxonomy including analysis, evaluation, synthesis and creation.

Higher order thinking skills (HOTS), is a concept based on learning taxonomies (such as Bloom's taxonomy). The idea is that some types of learning require more cognitive processing than others, but also have more generalized benefits. In Bloom's taxonomy, for example, skills involving analysis, evaluation and synthesis (creation of new knowledge) are thought to be of a higher order, requiring different learning and teaching methods than the learning of facts and concepts.
Higher-order thinking involves the learning of complex judgmental skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Higher-order thinking is more difficult to learn or teach but also more valuable because such skills are more likely to be usable in novel situations (i.e., situations other than those in which the skill was learned).

LOTS: Low order thinking skills
  • To remember information
  • To order information
  • To define object
  • To check understanding
  • To review learning
  • Apply, understand, remember

HOTS: High order thinking skills
  • To develop reasoning skills
  • To develop enquiry and discourse
  • To develop creative thinking
  • CREATE: Combining parts to make a new whole
  • EVALUATE: Judging the value of information or ideas
  • ANALYSE: Breaking down information into component parts

Examples of activities related to HOTS and LOTS
LOT Lower Order Thinking
  • Understanding. Show the countries involved in the battle.
  • Understanding. Illustrate the order of the battle.
  • Understanding. Explain who won the crown.

HOT Higher Order Thinking
  • Playing with a dice.
  • Dice with numbers of the groups of the classroom.
  • Dice with colours corresponding to questions. 
Marta María Pérez

CLIL- a brief introduction

This video is a presentation on what CLIL is

M. Teresa Guerra

School Fair Video

This is a link to see a very interesting video about a school project. Students have the opportunity to make a fair with the products they make depending on their abilities: portraits, jewellery, stories, book marks... (anything we can do in Arts and Crafts lessons). 
Once they have all these things done, they have to organize the space and everything for the fair. 
It takes a long time ( one term in my school and many teachers involved), but it is amazing the things they can do,  and they also learn a lot  about bussiness. 
Elena Remigia Prieto

Interview to David Marsh

This is a link to an interesting interview to David Marsh.

Marta María Pérez

Suggested readings

Here I send you two essential books in CLIL.
First one is from Coyle, Hood and Marsh and has a complete view on what is CLIL and how it works.
The second is from Ball, Kelly and Clegg, and focus more on practice, lesson plannings and specific examples.
I don't know if you already know them, but they are very important.  
I also send you this web page with a lot of information and theory about CLIL.

I hope you like it.

Laura Riesco